Scholarships & Student Experiences


Each year, the IDCM program awards multiple Global Learning Scholarships to IDCM students. The scholarships allow recipient students to undertake innovative learning in the international context, spending significant time in a foreign country to complete an internship, conduct independent research, or pursue some other creative learning opportunity that supports the objectives of the IDCM program. Recent winners include:


Sawa Kamara


Sawa organized an internship with the Campaign for Good Governance (CGG) in Sierra Leone. During the internship, she worked on a project to encourage women to participate in politics and also contributed to a Gender Equality Women Empowerment policy proposal.

"I have always been interested in expanding opportunities for girls and women. Hearing and reading about these issues is one thing, but learning directly from unemployed women in a low-income context was incredibly eye-opening."


Yasmeen Nekoo


Yasmeen interned with Sembcorp Industries Ltd., a company in Singapore that leverages its sector expertise to deliver innovation solutions that support the global energy transition as well as sustainable development goals. She conducted research on the company's renewable project sites for biodiversity screening and also drafted new Environmental Group Policy Standards for the company.

"This experience helped me tap into my passion for innovative solutions to climate change. I also learned the incredible value of global cooperation."


Daniela Nemi


Daniela took part in an internship with Manna Project International in Ecuador. During her time there, she worked with children in a childcare center, helped develop the curriculum for an English language class for youth, and assisted with a needs assessment in rural, underserved communities.

"I was able to fully immerse myself in the local life and to develop a bond with community members. I will remember this experience for the rest of my life."